Whether you’re in Sydney or anywhere else in the world, the adage ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ holds true for everybody! Who doesn’t need a break from the demands of work and the hectic routine of daily life? A little ‘me-time’ every now and then can work wonders on you, making you a more pleasant and productive person to be around! I speak from experience when I say, “If you find yourself losing focus, snapping at people, craving junk food and taking forever to get things done, you’ve definitely wound yourself into a tight spool that is just waiting to snap at the slightest trigger!” So why work yourself up into a frenzy that will eventually lead to a giant melt down at home or at work? If you can’t nip it in the bud, you have to do something about it before it’s too late. Planning a holiday may not always be practical; what you need is a quick-fix at timely intervals that helps you unwind and bring back a little magic to your life! And, in a city like Sydney,...